15th Ave. Merchant's Association Street Fest: Jeff Brings the Balloons - Cropped for Featured Image


15th Ave. Merchants Association Street Fest

What did we do for the 2nd Annual 15th Avenue East Merchants Association Street Festival? We set up a living room on the street, of course! Complete with carpet tiles donated by Flor, lounge chairs, and, of course, a big bowl of lego bricks, we offered attendees a comfortable seat to join us and #AskAnArchitect.

September 22, 2015

Last Sunday the B&V team pulled out all the stops and created a living room parking spot for the 2nd Annual 15th Avenue E Merchants Association Street Festival!

Living Room parking spot

Our "booth," complete with carpet tiles donated by Flor, lounge chairs and the credenza from our conference room, a big bowl of lego bricks, a midcentury-modern lamp on loan from Robert, and a coffee table from Jeff's house, was an inviting and intriguing space offering attendees a comfortable seat to #AskAnArchitect your burning remodeling questions. It was all built on a foundation of OSB to level out the asphalt.

putting it together collage

Throughout the afternoon our talented staff fielded questions and solved problems. We also hosted a scavenger hunt, encouraging attendees to visit a dozen or so local businesses in order to fill in the blanks on the clue sheet. Anyone who got all the answers right was entered into a drawing for a Gift Certificate for 8 hours of free architectural services. (Congratulations, Ramona!)

Our block was definitely the place to be. All the area restaurants set up on the sidewalk offering bites of their amazing food including Sur 16, Kanak Cuisine of India, and The Shop Agora.

food vendor collage

Several bands and individual musicians lent their talents to the festival atmosphere, and the sidewalks were crowded with balloons. It was a pretty successful event that will only get better with time.

musicians along 15th Avenue East
The lego table was popular

If you want to learn about all the changes on the hill, check out Capitol Hill Seattle Blog's recap of the event with even more pictures.

group shot
group shot

The B&V Team at the Eco Building Guild Green Slam Event.

Would you like to read more from the team?

If you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy writing it, that just makes our day! You might also enjoy a few of the related posts below. And, if there is a topic that you wish we would cover, let us know!

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Jeff Pelletier stands in his office in front of his various awards, certificates, and degrees. He is smiling at the camera with his arms crossed in front of his body.

Teaming Up: A Message From Jeff Pelletier

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