Other Tangents
2015 Seattle Home Show
The 2015 Seattle Home Show is on, and this year, Board & Vellum had partnered with AIA Seattle to populate their booth, “Ask An Architect First.” If you’re thinking about remodeling your home – or building new – wouldn’t it be helpful to get the perspective of an architect before you hire an architect? Come say hi!
February 25, 2015
Have you ever been to the Seattle Home Show? The "Nation's largest consumer home show?" Me neither. But this year our firm partnered with the AIA Seattle to populate their booth, which gave me the opportunity to check it out. Here's what I learned:
Anyone who's thinking about remodeling their existing home - or building from the ground up - should take advantage of this event. Wouldn't it be helpful to get the perspective of an Architect before you hire an Architect? I'm here to tell you that twice a year for 9 days at a time, a variety of Licensed Architects man the AIA booth for 6 hours a day (8 hours on weekends) just waiting for your questions. We're talking local, successful, creative and award-winning architects - like those from my firm - answering your questions for free! Well, for the price of admission, which is $12.

Of course there's also the A to Z Exhibitor List of product reps who will tell you everything you need to know about installation of your new closet system or how much it could cost you for a new roof - it's a wealth of information. Follow the Home Show on Facebook to be in the know for the announcement of the fall event.

Board & Vellum, your advocate for great architecture, large or small.