Arts & Culture
An Art Walk Sneak Peek: Works by Frank Ching
During the current pandemic crisis, we aren’t currently able to host in-person events in our By Others gallery at the Board & Vellum office on Capitol Hill in Seattle. But, that doesn’t at all mean we aren’t super excited about this one! To tide you over, please enjoy this preview of works by Frank Ching.
May 13, 2020
A “virtual” Art Walk, as a preview for our future By Others opening.
Ready for a sneak peek into the next galley show at Board & Vellum? We’re so thrilled to announce our next show will be featuring works by Frank Ching and Gabriel Campanario, rock stars of Seattle sketching, the international Urban Sketchers, and esteemed authors of numerous publications! Frank is also a Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington. So, while we are waiting for the stay-at-home orders to be lifted, here are a few pieces of Frank Ching’s work to whet your appetites in the meantime, along with a little about what it’s like to take a Frank Ching workshop.

View from the 12th Floor Jury Assembly Room — Seattle Municipal Court
Ink on paper by Frank Ching, 2011.
If you have taken one of Frank’s classes, attended one of his workshops, or read one on his many books, you already know what a talented teacher he is. He has impacted so many designers and architects during his esteemed career at the University of Washington, not only as an enlightened professor, but through his countless books on drawing, graphics, the creative process, construction, etc. As an environmental design student at University of Colorado, I committed to memory the bibles: Architecture Form, Space, & Order, Architectural Graphics, and Building Construction Illustrated. They were not required reading for my coursework, but I was captivated by the information, and — yes — the drawings! Frank’s drawings were always inspiring, and are still are!
When a day-long Frank Ching workshop was announced on the Urban Sketchers website, I jumped at the chance to take a workshop titled Ink. How intimidating for someone like me who draws predominately in pencil! During the workshop, Frank broke the process down to the essentials: study your composition and page at the start, establish the horizon and big proportions, go with the flow, observe, and don’t be afraid to show the process. Add enough detail to invite the viewer in, create a focus, create character, but don’t overdo it. The workshop was so fun, full of information, and to see the ease and flow at which Frank creates is inspiring. I can’t wait for the next workshop!
He has inspired me to become a better architect, by not only sharing the tools of the trade, but helping me become a better observer of the world around us. Thank you, Frank, we look forward to when we can open our doors for the show!