Landscape Architecture
April is Landscape Architecture Month!
April is Landscape Architecture Month, and with all the hints of spring popping up around us, it's the perfect time to celebrate the profession that brings you parks, trails, gardens, streetscapes, national parks, plazas, community p-patches, and all the places that make getting outside to enjoy the season all the more enjoyable and inviting.
April 4, 2018
And what better season than spring to celebrate!
Along with April Fool’s Day and Easter this year, April also brings another noteworthy celebration: World Landscape Architecture Month.
With all the new bursting flowers and leaf buds, longer days, and songbirds returning from warmer climes to find spring a little behind schedule this year, it is the perfect time of year to celebrate the profession that brings you parks, trails, gardens, streetscapes, national parks, plazas, community p-patches, and all the places that make getting outside to enjoy the season all the more enjoyable and inviting.
This month, we'll celebrate this international event by sharing what makes our landscape team so passionate about the work we do at Board & Vellum. Stay tuned to hear all about what makes this month worth celebrating in a big way.
What are we sharing?
As we write new posts, we will list and link to them here so you can always come back to the source for this year’s Landscape Architecture Month highlight series on the B&V Blog.
What’s Blooming Now? (A Quick Guide for Spring Plants in Seattle.)
Are you curious about what those flowers are that you’ve seen during your travels about town? We’ve got some answers for you! Check out this month’s quick guide so you can learn about what you see, and find out if the plants would work well for your garden.
What Does It Mean To Be An Integrated Design Firm?
Board & Vellum is an integrated design firm, but what does that actually mean for you and your project? And how about, what does that mean, in particular, for landscape architecture services? This post delves into the ins and outs of working with an integrated design firm.
What Material Should I Use for My Deck?
Landscape architecture certainly has a lot to do with plants, but many exterior spaces are composed of way more than vegetation. One of the questions we get all the time has to do with decks: “What material should I use for my deck?” We certainly have opinions about that, and enough that we decided to separate them into more than one blog post! This is the first, and it explores the different types of wood decks, along with their pros and cons.
What Are the Tools of the Trade for Landscape Architecture?
Have you seen us with some curious-looking tools when we measure a site? If you are wondering what those are, or what else it takes for us to do our job well, check out this post that describes the tools of the trade. Some of these are the same tools that other design professionals employ (and certainly so in an integrated design firm like Board & Vellum), but others are specific to landscape architecture and we just love having them in our toolkit.
In the last few weeks, in honor of Landscape Architecture Month, we’ve covered a variety of topics that really just scratch the surface of what landscape architecture is all about. With this initial series, we hope you’re now just as excited about landscape architecture as we are. It’s been a great time and we’re already scheming more intriguing posts. So, check back soon!
You can always find all our landscape architecture content (portfolio projects, blog posts, and more) collected here. We hope to have something there that excites you, and, of course, just let us know if there is anything we can do to help!