Other Tangents

Dinner Party at Miele ShowroomDinner Party at Miele Showroom

Last week, Board & Vellum enjoyed a wonderful cooking demonstration by Julianne at the Miele Showroom to experience the Miele difference. We were impressed! Here's a little summary of what we cooked and what the appliances were like to use.

Last week, Board & Vellum enjoyed a wonderful cooking demonstration by Julianne at the Miele Showroom to experience the Miele difference. We were impressed! Here's a little summary of what we cooked and what the appliances were like to use.

July 24, 2014

Last week, Board & Vellum enjoyed a wonderful cooking demonstration by Julianne at the Miele Showroom to experience the Miele difference!

Dinner Menu

Beef Tenderloin with Red Wine Balsamic Reduction This dish was roasted in the MasterChef Oven. The oven is very smart: all you need to do is tell it what you are making and it handles the rest for you! For example: first, the oven braised the beef tenderloin, then it adjusted the temperature down and roasted the beef until the cordless probe indicated that the meat had reached perfection.

Tortellini with Basil Sauce & Fresh Broccoli Florets These two were made at the same time in the Steam Oven. This steam oven is able to bake multiple dishes concurrently without mixing smells or flavors from one dish to the other.

Buttermilk Biscuits & Chocolate Bread Pudding These two were made at the same time in the Combi-Steam Oven, which is both a convection and steam oven. The result was flaky, yet moist, pastries!

And, of course, lots of wine...

We topped it all with Cappuccinos and Lattes made using the in-wall Coffee System – we decided everyone must have at least one in their home.

Julianne also told us about these other appliance offerings.

Speed Oven: A smaller oven that is both a convection oven and microwave. When the two are used in combination, it results in reduced cooking time. Here are Cheryl and Ben comparing ovens:


Induction Cooktops: One cool fact: you can put a paper towel between the pot and the induction hot spot and it will not burn!!! Here are Jeff and Jesslyn playing daredevil:

induction test

Dishwashers: At only 38 decibels, these are the world's quietest! Check out the cutlery tray:


Side-by-Side Refrigerator + Freezer: Robert made sure that the fridge doors are stainless steel 400, which is the type that all your souvenir magnets can go on. Matt was ecstatic to discover a fridge full of soda!


And of course, no field trip is complete without a “Pellepeering” shot.


Miele is a German high-end home appliances company founded at the turn of 20th century. You can visit their websitefor more product information or even hit up their Bellevue Showroom for a cooking demo yourself.

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