Other Tangents

Earth Day Sustainability Slam

The AIA Committee on the Environment is hosting a Sustainability Slam and you’re invited! Board & Vellum is once again teaming up with Model Remodel to present Ada’s Technical Books & Cafe, and we'd love to see you there!

April 21, 2015

The AIA Committee on the Environment is hosting a Sustainability Slam and you're invited!

Board & Vellum is once again teaming up with Model Remodel to present Ada's Technical Books & Cafe in a Pecha Kucha-style event on Wednesday, April 22nd. We're celebrating Earth Day through a celebration of sustainable design and green building, along with 5 other projects at this fun local mixer. The event is free, but you do need to rsvp. Click over to the event page for all the details.

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Jeff tells a story. – Experience: Storytelling in the Spaces We Design – Board & Vellum

Channeling Experience: Storytelling in the Spaces We Design

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Unlikely Inspiration – Board & Vellum

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