Other Tangents
Everything Is Awesome with Houzz
The secret's out! We can finally share the news: Houzz contacted us a month ago about doing a video project showcasing Jeff’s house and the Lego Lounge for their new HouzzTV platform. Of course, we said, "Yes, please!" Check out the shorter video here, and a bonus longer one over on Houzz.
April 29, 2015
We've been keeping a secret for a few weeks but we can finally share the news! Houzz contacted us a month ago about doing a video project showcasing Jeff's house and the Lego Lounge for their new HouzzTV platform.
We immediately said yes and they spent two full days filming the house, the Lego Lounge, Jeff and Chris with the boys and the Seattle area. They got so much footage, they surprised us with TWO VIDEOS! We are so impressed with the quality – it's amazing to have such a professional view into one of our most popular projects.
Below is the shorter video focusing on the Lego Lounge. You can click here to see the full story and the longer video featuring the whole house. Enjoy!
[getEmbed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7bS2Uj9z2UI"]