Other Tangents
“Pellepeering” is Sweeping the Nation
If you’re not new to our blog, or us, you’ve probably seen or heard us use the term “Pellepeering” and wondered what we are even talking about. Well, you’re in luck because here, Ryan will clear a little of that up.
June 18, 2014
First, there was “Tebowing” named after Tim Tebow who was most famously on the greatest football team the NFL has ever seen! The DENVER BRONCOS!!! (Sorry Seattle! I am in fact a 51% Broncos fan and 49% Seahawks fan). Anyway, “Tebowing” is when you put one knee down and an arm on a knee, and your fist on your forehead. Rather than try and explain it here is an entire blog full of people "Tebowing."
And, here’s me:

Then, there was “Planking.” I really have no idea where this came from. All I know is it is funny when people “plank.” I first saw it on an episode of The Office. Coincidentally, there is also an entire blog of people “planking”.
And, of course, here's me:

Here at Board & Vellum, we have encountered a new form of posing when the camera happens upon you. We call it: Pellepeering! It is named after our fearless leader Jeff Pelletier. We recently had a short documentary filmed in our office, about our firm and others, called Small Business Proud. The crew that put it together did an incredible job. But, they needed to have Jeff, you know, do something while he was talking about the design of Ada’s Technical Books & Cafe, standing in the space. So, they made a voiceover of him speaking while haplessly gazing up at the chandelier we designed. It looked hilariously awkward and unnatural, which we’re not used to seeing of our boss. Thus, Pellepeering was born!

Now, we can’t stop doing it!
Here is the Board & Vellum team “Pellepeering” at a recent field trip to the Bertschi School.

Absolutely everything is wrong with this Indiana Megamansion, but at Board & Vellum we're here to make sure this doesn't happen to you by designing a home that suits you and your family, the neighborhood, and offers a reasonable value for years to come.
Here is a picture of my girlfriend Steph and me Pellepeering on the ferry to Orcas Island.