Episode 029
Post Truth Design: Part 3
with Monica Guzman of The Evergrey
February 26, 2019
Just say the words “Post Truth” and journalism comes to mind. Whether you think the news is full of information or disinformation depends completely on who we trust to frame the facts, and our differing opinions are bringing a lot more polarization into our daily lives. How will we escape the Post Truth era? Will we be able to at all? What can we do to try to come together more, if not on a grander scale, at least in the communities where we live? For this third episode in our series on Post Truth, we invited returning guest, Monica Guzman, Director of The Evergrey, a digital news publication here in Seattle, back to the studio to light up the path forward.
If you prefer a read, rather than a listen, hang tight: soon, we will add a transcript of this episode here. In the meantime, we hope you’ll give listening a try. Pop on those headphones and tune in right here, or listen on your favorite podcast app. Enjoy!