Episode 031
(Dis)Respect The Hustle
with Jeff Pelletier of Board & Vellum
March 26, 2019
It’s official, Hustle Culture is a thing. As young workers enter the workforce, there is a glamorization of overwork. Some are cheering it on, but are we risking the burnout of an entire generation? Gary Vaynerchuk, dubbed by the NY Times as “The Patron Saint of Hustle Culture” may have started it, but it has taken on a life of its own, as Instagram accounts light up with all-nighters, coffee binging contests, and other overwork competitions. What’s the line between seizing an opportunity to make your mark on the world, and just plain grinding?
If you prefer a read, rather than a listen, hang tight: soon, we will add a transcript of this episode here. In the meantime, we hope you’ll give listening a try. Pop on those headphones and tune in right here, or listen on your favorite podcast app. Enjoy!