Built Green Member

Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Sustainable Practice

Built Green of King and Snohomish Counties

Our team has collaborated on dozens of Built Green projects in the region.

Since 2001, Built Green has been the Pacific Northwest’s own homegrown certification option for more sustainable housing.

We believe this program has been a springboard to forward and expand public interest in the green building movement in our area. As an example, in 2016, 32% of new housing in King County and 52% of new housing in Seattle was certified Built Green. Then between 2018 and 2021, 82% of new single-family housing in Seattle were Built Green Certified!

Perhaps one of the reasons for this impressive increase is that certifications make it possible to indicate a home as “Green” on the Northwest Multiple Listing Service, so home buyers can be made aware of a property’s added value.

Built Green makes the power of green certification more accessible to builders and custom home clients with its simple-to-follow checklist and affordable verification process. There are six different levels available, One Star through Five Star, topped by Emerald Star, which pushes the envelope in all categories.

There is even an Eco-Cool Remodel Tool that can help inform the choices you make in every corner of your home when it’s time to update or upgrade. We love how this program supports good choices and educates builders about best practices as building science evolves.

Learn more at Built Green.

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Would you like to learn a little more about us and what we do?


Who are we, anyway? For starters, we are a close-knit team of creative professionals, collaborating on architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture. We love what we do, and we have fun doing it.


Board & Vellum offers design services in architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture, for private residences, multifamily and mixed-use, commercial environments, campuses and organizations, and civic spaces, like parks.

Considering a project, or curious about something?

Say hello, and send us your questions via the form below. We’re always pleased to make new connections, and eager to get to know you, your project, and your goals.

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