Our ask a designer posts.

Ask a Designer, Commercial

How Do You Select the Right Commercial Space for Your Business?

Selecting a commercial space for your business is very important to get right. It’s not as simple as “location, location, location” when it comes to ensuring the success of your retail or commercial space. There are many important details you need to check. Do you know what to look for before you sign a lease?

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Ask a Designer, Custom Residential

What is Driving Up the Cost of Construction in Seattle?

Does it seem to you like the cost of construction in Seattle is through-the-roof-crazy? You’re not wrong! Why is the cost of construction rising to surprising heights? Well, it’s complicated. Here are a few reasons why, and a few ways that you can plan your project to ensure it’s worth it. (It is!)

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Ask a Designer, Custom Residential

Where Do You Start When Designing a New Home?

So, you’ve decided to build a new home. Making that decision is a big first step, but what do you do next? Designing a new home is a big effort. Here are the first things that you and your architect need to pay attention to before any of the fun design work begins.

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Ask a Designer, Interior Design

What is FF&E?

We try to be good about not using too many acronyms at Board & Vellum, but sometimes, we slip up. FF&E is one of those cases that comes up a lot as our interiors studio grows. (Plus, once you know what it stands for, it’s a bit of a tongue twister.) So, what does it mean?

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Ask a Designer

How Do You Deal with Choices During the Design Process?

The design process is fun, but it can also be fairly stressful because there are so many important choices to be made. How do you make the right call? We certainly have a few recommendations (which we’ll get into here), but two huge ones to count on: trust your instincts, and let the professionals help.

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Ask a Designer, Landscape Architecture

Landscape Designer vs. Landscape Architect: What Is The Difference?

Is there a difference between a landscape designer and a landscape architect? (Spoiler Alert: Yes.) So, why would you want to hire one versus the other? Is it all about plants? Or is it more technical? Let’s get into the differences between the services each typically offers, and how that applies to your project.

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Board & Vellum is vibrant design firm built on the idea that an informed and engaged team leads to better design and happy clients. We wouldn’t be where we are today without passion and hard work, and those same two things keep us going strong today.

Our Process

Bringing your project from “idea” to fruition is a little different at Board & Vellum. We give personal care to each of our projects, and you’ll be in the loop every step the way. The bonus: we are an integrated firm, so each project has access to plenty of great knowledge — and that leads to better design.

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