Our ask a designer posts.

Ask a Designer

What Design Professionals Do I Need to Work on My Project?

Not every project has the budget for an architect, an interior designer, a landscape architect, a mechanical engineer, a geotechnical engineer, an acoustical consultant, a lighting designer, a code consultant, an accessibility consultant, or a myriad of other professions. Which ones do you need for your project?

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Ask a Designer

How Not to Solve a Problem

Ever come across something truly odd in a building? Jeff came across a diagonally-installed toilet, and that inspired this post – unforeseen problems come up in construction all the time, and it sure helps to have an architect on had to make sure you solve it in a way that makes sense.

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Ask a Designer, Custom Residential

How to Add Floor Heat to Your Bathroom or House

Is adding radiantly heated floors to your bathroom really that hard? Nope! Check out two recommendations from Jeff about your options for adding this easy luxury to your home.

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Ask a Designer, Custom Residential

The Top 10 Things an Architect Learns from Vacation

When you are starting and building a company, it's hard to convince yourself that you should allow yourself (maybe even force yourself) to take vacations. Here, Jeff lists the top ten things that he's learned from making a point of taking some time off to travel.

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Ask a Designer

Top 10 Problems That Come Up During Construction

Once you have your set of architectural drawings, and you have your permit, who is going to be there to make sure nothing goes wrong during construction? (Your architect!) So, what are the common problems that occur during the construction phase?

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Ask a Designer, Custom Residential, Interior Design

Top Ten Things to Consider in a Home Bar

What features does your dream basement bar have? Dim lighting? A pool table? A karaoke machine? To each his own, but there are definitely some things you'll want to give some serious consideration. Here are our top ten.

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Board & Vellum is vibrant design firm built on the idea that an informed and engaged team leads to better design and happy clients. We wouldn’t be where we are today without passion and hard work, and those same two things keep us going strong today.

Our Process

Bringing your project from “idea” to fruition is a little different at Board & Vellum. We give personal care to each of our projects, and you’ll be in the loop every step the way. The bonus: we are an integrated firm, so each project has access to plenty of great knowledge — and that leads to better design.

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