Our landscape architecture posts.

Landscape Architecture

What’s Blooming Now: Early Autumn in the Pacific Northwest

Even though the Pacific Northwest is known for its eternal greenery (Hello, Emerald City!), we do still have plenty of beautiful fall colors. Here are three of our favorites, from trees to sedums that thrive in our northwest climate and will brighten up your fall day.

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Landscape Architecture

What’s Blooming Now, In August: Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas may be well-known, but did you there are a variety of different types? From the aptly-named ‘Incrediball’ to even a climbing version (really!) — here the details on a few of our favorites, recommendations on where to plant them, and how to make sure they get what they need to be a champ bloomer.

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Landscape Architecture

What’s Blooming Now: Moon Gardens in July

How much do you love a moon garden? When designing your landscape, don’t forget you can plan not only for the experience of the garden in the day time, but also the late night hours! These blooming plants are great candidates for a beautiful (and great smelling) night garden.

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Landscape Architecture

What’s Blooming Now: June in Seattle

June in Seattle is also known as “Juneuary,” thanks to our famously rainy early summers. But there are still plenty of flowers to enjoy at this time of year, and you could argue they look even better glistening with raindrops. Read on to learn about the Japanese Snowbell, the Pacific Mock Orange, and Creeping Honeysuckle.

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Landscape Architecture

What’s Blooming Now: In Seattle, Dogwood Trees!

Are you wondering: “What are those trees blooming in late spring, with large flowers in shades of pink or white?” They might be dogwoods, a powerhouse of landscape design that has a number of great cultivars and varieties. Here are a few of our favorite dogwood varieties, along with some details about their care and preferences.

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Landscape Architecture

What Are the Tools of The Trade for Landscape Architecture?

While there is definitely some overlap with other design and technical professions, there are certain tools of the trade for landscape architecture that are really key to getting the job done well. This post explores those digital and analog tools landscape architects and designers keep close at hand in their professional toolkit.

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