Our other tangents posts.

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Other Tangents

Everything Is Awesome with Houzz

The secret's out! We can finally share the news: Houzz contacted us a month ago about doing a video project showcasing Jeff’s house and the Lego Lounge for their new HouzzTV platform. Of course, we said, "Yes, please!" Check out the shorter video here, and a bonus longer one over on Houzz.

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Other Tangents

Earth Day Sustainability Slam

The AIA Committee on the Environment is hosting a Sustainability Slam and you’re invited! Board & Vellum is once again teaming up with Model Remodel to present Ada’s Technical Books & Cafe, and we'd love to see you there!

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Other Tangents

2015 Seattle Home Show

The 2015 Seattle Home Show is on, and this year, Board & Vellum had partnered with AIA Seattle to populate their booth, “Ask An Architect First.” If you’re thinking about remodeling your home – or building new – wouldn’t it be helpful to get the perspective of an architect before you hire an architect? Come say hi!

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Other Tangents

A Visit to the NUCOR Steel Plant

A crew from Board & Vellum took a trip to tour Seattle’s NUCOR Steel plant recently to understand what goes into this critical building material that keeps our buildings standing up while almost never being seen. Jeff Sandler reports back with all the details from this illuminating trip to Seattle’s “Little Pittsburgh.”

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Other Tangents

“Off The Hook” – The Etymology of Your Phone Number

Did you know that the digits of your phone number actually have a history linking them to letters? Or, that the concept of “dialing” a phone came way later than the phone itself? Robert Mech explores all this and more in this post about phones, and he most certainly did not “phone it in.”

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Other Tangents, The Business of Design

What Does It Take to Become an Architect?

So, what does it take to become an architect? Just like everything else, there is no clear answer to that question. The real answer: "It depends." The details keep changing, and they vary by location! Ryan Adanalian breaks it down for you, at least how it works right now, in 2015 in Washington.

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Our Story

Board & Vellum is vibrant design firm built on the idea that an informed, engaged, and cared-for team collaborating on a variety of disciplines and sectors leads to elevated design and happy clients.

Our Process

Bringing your project from “idea” to fruition is a little different at Board & Vellum. We give personal care to each of our projects, and with in-house multidisciplinary design services, each project has access to a wealth of knowledge.

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