Our sustainable practice posts.

Interior Design, Sustainable Practice

Selecting Sustainable Materials: Your Go-To Guide

Of course, materials play a large role in interior design, and their impact on the sustainability of a project cannot be ignored. So, how do you select sustainable materials that live up to your requirements? Here is a quick guide for what to look for, including material makeup, material source, manufacturing processes, and third-party certifications.

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Sustainable Practice

Environmentally Responsible Design & Sustainability

Pairing environmentally responsible design with beautiful-designed spaces is very important to us. So, to kick off the near year, we wrote a manifesto declaring the principles we’ll follow to ensure we are doing the best we can to help not only our clients but those who inhabit the spaces and places we create in the future.

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Custom Residential, Interior Design, Sustainable Practice

Six Easy Sustainable Design Options to Consider for your Next Home Remodel

Sustainable design doesn’t mean you have to have solar panels, reuse your water, or have a green roof. There are plenty of smaller efforts you can take that can have a positive impact both on your carbon footprint and your budget. Here are six sustainable design options to get you started.

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Custom Residential, News, Sustainable Practice

B&V’s First Built Green Certified Project

Great news! It’s been a long process, but we just received confirmation that our Ballard Locks Residence, built by Hammer & Hand, has qualified for a 4-Star Rating in the Built Green program! Built Green practices are designed to provide homeowners with comfortable, durable, environmentally friendly homes that are cost-effective to own and operate. Cheers!

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Ask a Designer, Sustainable Practice

To Buy or Not to Buy those LED Bulbs

Are you still hoarding a few old incandescent bulbs thinking it will save you money to just use what you've already purchased? It won't! But why? Let us lay it all out for you, and show you why it's time to bite the bullet and move to new solutions, like the LED.

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Sustainable Practice

Almost “Passively” Green

While you have to be careful about greenwashing, it's not a bad thing that being green is now trendy: if that's what it takes to get more people into green building, that's fine with us. But, we are taking it further, and three of us are now on our way to be Passive House certified!

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Board & Vellum is vibrant design firm built on the idea that an informed and engaged team leads to better design and happy clients. We wouldn’t be where we are today without passion and hard work, and those same two things keep us going strong today.

Our Process

Bringing your project from “idea” to fruition is a little different at Board & Vellum. We give personal care to each of our projects, and you’ll be in the loop every step the way. The bonus: we are an integrated firm, so each project has access to plenty of great knowledge — and that leads to better design.

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