Our the business of design posts.

Career Path of an Architect – Board & Vellum
The Business of Design

Career Path of an Architect (And, Beyond)

What are you going to be when you grow up? Does it come as a surprise that a lot of architects wonder this constantly? The education and on-the-job training that the architectural profession requires trains you for all sorts of other professions that require creative problem-solving. So, what are you going to be?

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Great Work Culture – Board & Vellum
The Business of Design

Five Ways You Can Create Great Work Culture

At the end of June, we attended the 2018 Seattle Magazine's Best 100 Companies to Work for Event, in the top 10 for small business for the third year! We are excited, of course, but it takes a lot of work to create work culture like this. Here are 5 ways we help cultivate our work culture.

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Integrated Design Firm – Board & Vellum
The Business of Design

What Does It Mean To Be An Integrated Design Firm?

We are an integrated design firm, but what (you may wonder) does that mean? And, specifically, what does that mean for your project and how it benefits you? Here is a breakdown for what it means for you and your project when the integrated design firm you are working with is us, Board & Vellum.

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Starting a Business – Jeff with original Board & Vellum Logo
The Business of Design

What Was I Thinking? (Learning from Your Mistakes When Starting a Business)

Starting a business is no easy task, and you just can’t expect that you won’t make mistakes along the way. You will make them, we promise. The important thing is to make sure you learn from them once you do. Here are five mistakes Jeff Pelletier made when starting Board & Vellum.

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Disrupting the design industry. – Board & Vellum
The Business of Design

Disrupting the Design Industry with Great Benefits

The architecture and design industry is notorious for high-pressure workplaces that lack great benefits. But it doesn’t have to be that way. At Board & Vellum, we are proving that a design firm can offer great benefits: the numbers pencil out. Now, our goal is to help other firms join us to redefine the design industry.

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Advance Your Goals – Board & Vellum
The Business of Design

5 Tips for Harnessing Renewal to Advance Your Goals

Everywhere you look this time of year, it’s all about New Year’s resolutions. But, there might be a better way. We make our yearly strategic goals in the summer, and that means the new year is the perfect time to assess and renew our progress. These are tips to ensure your yearly goals actually happen.

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Our the business of design recognition stories.

Board & Vellum makes Seattle Business magazine's list of 100 Best Companies to Work For in Washington 2019.

Seattle Business Magazine’s Washington’s 100 Best Companies 2019

We are one of 2019’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in Washington, making it our fourth year in a row on the list!

Board & Vellum on PSBJ's WA's Best Workplaces List for 4th Year!

PSBJ: Washington’s Best Workplaces, 2018

For the 4th year in a row, Board & Vellum is honored by Puget Sound Business Journal as one of Washington’s Best Workplaces!

Seattle Business Magazine Best Companies to Work For 2018: Board & Vellum

Seattle Business Magazine’s Washington’s 100 Best Companies 2018

We are one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2018, and in the Top 10 of small businesses for the third year in a row!

Business of Pride 2018: Board & Vellum

Largest LGBTQ-Owned Companies in the Puget Sound Region

Ranking by revenue, Board & Vellum made PSBJ’s list of Largest LGBTQ-Owned Companies in the Puget Sound Region.

NGLCC Certified as LGBT Business Enterprise – Board & Vellum Recognition

Certified LGBTBE by the NGLCC

The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce recognizes Board & Vellum as a certified LGBT Business Enterprise.

Washington's Fastest Growing Private Companies, 2017 – Board & Vellum

PSBJ: Washington’s Fastest Growing Private Companies, 2017

At just over six years old, Board & Vellum has landed on Puget Sound Business Journal’s “Washington’s Fastest Growing Private Companies” list, at number 21!

Would you like to learn more?

We’re thrilled that you’re interested!

Our Story

Board & Vellum is vibrant design firm built on the idea that an informed, engaged, and cared-for team collaborating on a variety of disciplines and sectors leads to elevated design and happy clients.

Our Process

Bringing your project from “idea” to fruition is a little different at Board & Vellum. We give personal care to each of our projects, and with in-house multidisciplinary design services, each project has access to a wealth of knowledge.

Considering a project, or curious about something?

Say hello, and send us your questions via the form below. We’re always pleased to make new connections, and eager to get to know you, your project, and your goals.

Get in touch.